Sorry about your neck injury. Any Injury or illness that prevented me from hunting would absolutely leave me broken inside...

I try and stay in shape,,, my type of work helps, but age has forced a little extra effort through out the year, lifting weights and walking/hiking to slow the clock on me so I can still get it done.

Soreness lingers a lot longer than it used to when I was in my 30’s. Now, I just use my aches and pains as an excuse to get my Hottie Wife to provide rehabilitation care on me...It’s a win...Grin.

Bullets, rifles, and scopes...In 40 years, I’ve had good to great in all categories for accomplishing the goal of bringing home meat. Time has changed a lot, but aside from the hardware, optics and bullets...

I’m happiest about the improvements made over these long years in hunting clothes. Lighter, dryer, warmer, cooler with comfort and flexibility compared to the days of cotton, more cotton and wool. Bring on the worst weather Mother Nature can think of and I’m gonna be GTG, aside from a tree failing on me...That would suck the big one 😎

Curiosity Killed the Cat & The Prairie Dog
“Molon Labe”