I wonder if he would cave on the wall funding to try to get some "good will" from Pelosi and friends on his trade deals passing through Congress? That's the next battle coming and it is going to get ugly....The DEMS know that will be a huge win for him, even bigger than getting the Wall done...Billions of dollars at stake...

What the freak were the Republican controlled House and Senate doing the last 2 years? The 2 biggest issues Trump ran on and won were Trade and the Wall, and they are still outstanding. Now the freaking DEMs can stall both of them. This is why (R's) always lose. The infighting over stupid [bleep] between Rhinos and ultra Conservatives...We could have had 25 billion dollars plus worth of wall by simply giving the DACA kids amnesty, but the freaking ultra Conservatives wouldnt have that...They wanted nothing resembling amnesty...Now you will be lucky to get a barbwire fence you dumb idiots...

Last edited by Rockymtnhigh; 02/12/19.