Ringman, yes, they get back pay, but they have to live that long. Some can, for a long time, some can't, some in between. My friends (ATC) were ok, but if a shutdown keeps going, they keep working and not getting paid. Savings shrinks. How long can you go on working without pay?

If this is signed, I'd consider it a win. I personally don't care for "Team R" or "Team D", I care about what's right for team USA and both R/D only care about them. With Trump in office I am finding myself mostly siding with "Team R", this is a win, money for the wall when Pelosi said "never", we don't shutdown the government again and we can move on to other issues with the money allocated to the wall is spent to build some of the wall.

Trump will be asking for more later, but it's time to move to the next thing. Wall/Immigration is only one issue we hired Trump to fix.