Originally Posted by AcesNeights
I know where I stand and how I feel about some left-wing bitch that commissions herself as the arbiter of everyone else’s speech. What I don’t know, unless I missed it, is what she looks like. 😁

I hate drawing conclusions only to find out that my conclusion was right but the bitch was cute, I doubt that’s the case here but I’m doing my due diligence first. 😂

Either way I hope they fire her and her cohort, if she’s cute then I hope she gets objectified in a publicly offensive way before she gets fired. I truly hate useless government employees that feel empowered because of the header on their paycheck and god knows there’s no shortage of them.

They don’t have The Google Machine where you live or you are just to dumb or lazy to use it?

All the guys want to be me, and all the bitches want to do me.