Congrats, none the less for Alaskans this is a BIG win. The fact that you also had 2 commission board members who were in favor of her staying resigning makes it even sweeter. Now put the pressure on the remaining Commission members to ask for Kendall Ryhnes resignation also, as you all recall he lent his influence against the plumber too. As second in command he has also shown his in ability to perform in an acceptable manner. High level left wing liberal swamp dwelling bureaucrats done away by a plumber. This is great, an ordinary works with his hands man takes out upper level asshats. Push this Rhynes turd out too. A man than fixes toilets as well as other plumbing functions shows us how to flush lightweight turds down the toilet and away. The left, for so long has pushed and shoved to get their way on every aspect in our lives to the way they want it, defeated. They took off their gloves along time a go to engage in dirty politics while the right has stood there wringing their hands saying oh we can't do this or that it wouldn't be fair. The thing is there is no working with the left, you give a half inch and they take a mile. They have 90+% of the media spewing their dogma propaganda. A lot of moderates in this country still can't admit to the fact that the left(democrats) would stoop as low as they have to achieve their ends.
This has been a very large contributing factor to the lefts success. DJT said we need to drain the swamp, he can't do it by himself, he needs to have more plumbers to help him ,he needs all of us to speak up and object to liberal crap put out by people like Marti Buscaglia. Flood the commissions with e-mails, the governors office ,your represenatives and senators. Keep talking up the policies and injustice of bureaucrats every time they wrongly use their office for political means. On November 8th of 2016 the angry white males and their women swept the trash out of the Whitehouse and made sure more didn't re-enter it. It is our turn again to help DJT drain the swamp of these same people in our gov't, he can't do it all by himself. It is time to play the game as dirty as the left does.

Last edited by Magnum_Bob; 04/10/19.

" Cheapest velocity in the world comes from a long barrel and I sure do like them. MB "