Originally Posted by mainer_in_ak
That's a darn shame they're keeping this woman employed. It takes a bigger, stronger person to find common ground with fellow Americans, than inflame hostilities over subtle differences of opinion. She took that typical approach of inflaming social media/burn someone at the stake, rather than a process.

That woman either needs to get laid, or maybe do some real work, like grow a garden, or put away a few cords of firewood. Or both?

I would suggest that this drama-laiden woman also have a visit with this guy, he's got real nerves of steel working the real streets of unifying America:


If she took the Daryl Davis approach, she maybe would've learned that the guy with the bumper sticker, is a plumber. Plumbers are hard workers, and know how to lay the pipe. She probably could've gotten lucky, rather than chumming with the skill-less, labor-less office loosers.

Good chance she plays for the other team, maybe just part-time...

Good chance the plumber has SOME taste...

Good chance that was not on her mind following a nooner... with the PO...

Mark Begich, Joaquin Jackson, and Heller resistance... Three huge reasons to worry about the NRA.