Originally Posted by Paddler
I'm looking forward to Mueller's testimony. Should be very interesting. He laid out many instances of obstruction. I wonder what it will take for the congressional Republicans to locate their backbones.
..........................LOL>>>LOL>>>LOL................Got a question for ya Paddler.....Are you as ugly as you are stupid???? Because if so, then you would be the ugliest man to have ever walked planet earth in all of human history........

OK! I will thrash your above post like I always thrash every damned post you create........OK DUMB DUMB!!...... Ready???

A prosecutor or special counsel's job,,, is to either reco a criminal referral or NOT TO RECO ANY CRIMINAL referrals.......GOT THAT DUMMY???

IF Mueller had ANY solid evidence of obstruction of justice by Trump he would have concluded in his report that a criminal referral or referrals be made. IT IS UNLAWFUL UNDER THE LAW DUMMY, that any special prosecutor or special counsel,,,, AFTER THE INVESTIGATION HAS CONCLUDED,,,to submit a written opinion based on HIS opinion, HIS speculation of events, heresay FROM OTHERS, heresay of he said- he said, or she said- she said,,,,, WHICH WAS VOLUME 2 in its entirety......

In other words DUMMY, Mueller as a prosecutor under his authority under the law, either recos a criminal referral or does not......It is not his job under the law to write his opinion or speculate on events as was written in volume 2.

Got some other news for ya clown.....If Mueller testifies which I hope he does, he will be grilled as to when he knew there was NO TRUMP COLLUSION, grilled as to why he did not conclude his investigation at that point and grilled as to WHY HE DID NOT LOOK INTO THE REAL CRIMES of RUSSIAN COLLUSION COMMITTED ON THE HILLARY SIDE.......

SO MR. BONEHEAD PIDDLER.......... BRING MUELLER ON................BRING HIM ON!!!!!!......................Careful what ya wish for DUMMY!!!.....LOL>>>LOL>>>LOL

Damn you are so stupid!!!

28 Nosler,,,,300WSM,,,,338-378 Wby,,,,375 Ruger