Perfect teachable moments. All my kids are grown now but when I go out with the Grandson he is a big flirt with his curly locks and big smile that most women teens through Grandma cant help themselves. Lots of the hes so adorable etc.. comments.

Fortunately when the friendly grandpa dudes make eye contact with me they just avert and move along which is tough because the kid is always smiling and waving to everyone especially the ladies.

I don't allow physical contact when Im in charge from anyone but his Grandmother and Aunties have a hard time keeping the other ladies off of him.

And I never interact with other kids other than to shoot the parents a nod of understanding or disapproval if the brats are acting up.

"Maybe we're all happy."

"Go to the sporting goods store. From the files, obtain form 4473. These will contain descriptions of weapons and lists of private ownership."