Originally Posted by lvmiker
Originally Posted by EthanEdwards
Depends on the context and location to me. Also, your definition of "old". If it's some eighty-year-old, few of them are gonna be spry enough to make away with all but the youngest of kids. As somebody else said, if it's some sixty-year-old, that's a lot different. I also figure lots of the true old people only know about half of what they're babbling about anyway. Lots of them want to talk to children because they've reverted to their second childhood themselves. If I'm in a nursing home with the kids, I expect them to get swarmed by oldsters, starved for attention.

Oh, and I'd say no offense to some of the oldsters on here, but IDGAF whether they're offended or not, so there's that, Polesmoker, lvmiker, Blowsinger, et al.

You offend no one, you are irrelevant.

mike r
If I was irrelevant, you wouldn't bother posting to me, great grandpa.