Thanks for the correction Saddlesore. I only worked there from 1980-92, our last "experiment" wasn't completed..... President Bush decided to stop the somewhat secret event as it might lessen his chance of getting re-elected as there was a self imposed moratorium, or so we were told.

If you are in North Las Vegas go to the Nevada Test Site Museum, pretty well describes the operations done there, and you'll see me in the Pictures of the Nuclear weapons Cannister events.

A lot of operations besides Nuclear weapons testing happened at NTS. And I agree with Saddlesore, there were plenty of road sensors, folks monitoring roads and rolling when someone approached the boundry. An interesting experiment I believe is searchable was the Climax mine, a test bed undergound tunnel for storing Nuclear WASTE FUEL RODS.

I miss the Ice cream we got at the Bowling Alley before boarding AMI, an F27F private prop jet we owned. Lots of bumpy rides over the Sierra's during summer months.