Originally Posted by hemiallen

A lot of operations besides Nuclear weapons testing happened at NTS. And I agree with Saddlesore, there were plenty of road sensors, folks monitoring roads and rolling when someone approached the boundry. An interesting experiment I believe is searchable was the Climax mine, a test bed undergound tunnel for storing Nuclear WASTE FUEL RODS.

I miss the Ice cream we got at the Bowling Alley before boarding AMI, an F27F private prop jet we owned. Lots of bumpy rides over the Sierra's during summer months.

Ah the old F27 Fairchilds. We rode in one chartered from Ross Aviation.. Had the windshield blow out once about at the AZ border.That old thing would shudder as it took off from Desert Rock and if it wasn't going to make the altitude to go over the pass and back around Mt Charleston, it made a sharp left and followed 95 into town.Once between Christmas and New Years, Ross Aviation sent a 10 passenger Cessna to take us . When we got over Desert Rock, the light said the landing gear was down.Tower said it wasn't .We circled and dumped fuel while the copilot pump the gear down manually, then we landed in the sand past the hard top with two All Terrain fire trucks pacing beside us.I flew commercial after that.It was probably in about 1969 or so. Champhor test run by Sandia. That same plane auguerd into Kirkland AFB not long after that killing all ten Las Alamos employees on it. The last shot I worked on, I think it was in 92, they sealed it up without pushing the button because for the test ban treaty.I thought it was Carter that put us out of business. Lot of memorys I would like to flush out, but they stick and usually resurface during the night.

If God wanted you to walk and carry things on your back, He would not have invented stirrups and pack saddles