I recall stories from the guys who worked there before I did about the landing gear flight, glad it worked out!

Yes, 1992 GREENWATER. I had the most sophisticated X-Ray experiment I built on it. Ended up building an x-ray source with a certain classified material ( energy) to verify just before bang time the X-ray spectrometer worked once lowred to zero depth, and if the system gave us the signal it would prove it worked,. The reason is we did a duplicate nuke 2 years earlier, my data showed their system failed, and they didn't like our results. Think Ronnies Star wars for what our experiment was verifying....Zapping foreign orbiting things.

I flew Ross once, they landed in Livermore to pick 2 of us up to fly us to Albuquerque, NM, post 1992 when we shifted to shock physics to do weapons experiments. They altered flight course to fly over the crater in Arizona, I believe.

Another story was our AMI F27F ended up landing in a very close to Desert rock airstrip with a friend onboard, they rolled down the window shades at 10k ft elevation and had everyone sign a form saying they didn't land before Desert Rock. Not sure what happened but they didn't unload the cargo bay ( same door as the passengers suitcase/ bags) and delivered folks bags later to the Blue building, adding to the speculation of what did AMI transport from the Area 51 airstrip to Desert Rock airstrip.

Lots of cool experiments at NTS, one tunnel shot to test the hardness of one of I believe OUR satellite, I didn't see any russian words on it. Yea, I wasn't wandering around, lol.

I truly wished they attempt to enter Area 51. Some news reporter from Vegas entered NTS maybe mid 1980's, and the story was printed in the Vegas rag.I still am surprised he and that group I saw arrested somehow got a vehicle onsite.

Back in the above ground testing days, pre 63 I believe, some farmer drove a jeep up to the tower, around Zero time, and luckily back then someone saw him before they fired the Nuke and got him out of there. They said, if they didn't see him, they never would have known he was there after bang time, no crap...