Sept 1, 1983. Momma woke me up about 02:30, said it is time to go. At the time we lived only a couple miles from the hospital. I asked "How close are the pains?"
She said "Four, five minutes."
Me: "I am taking a shower."
Her: "WTF"
Me: "We have lots of time."

We hit the hospital at about 03:15 with pains at three to four minutes.
About an hour later I was sitting beside her right knee holding her hand while she reclined in the labor room. The OB was sitting beside her left knee as our son began to crown.

The hospital had a policy that no Dads were allowed at delivery without Le Maz classes. An idea at which I scoffed........loudly.

The OB was fully aware that we had not done Le Maz. As the baby crowned, Doc turned and asked me "Are you going to be okay in here."

I looked him dead in the eye and replied, "DAMNIT, I forgot the balin' twines!"
He looked back with a puzzled expression "What?"
Me: "To tie around the little sucker's feet and drag him out of there."
Doc got a wry smile and said: "Yeah, you'll be okay."

About five minutes later we had a squalling baby boy in our arms.

Momma still does not see the humor of the event the way I do.

People who choose to brew up their own storms bitch loudest about the rain.