My first was pretty scary time. Went in got induced waited a while. Contractions started getting going better and they put the monitor on. As my wife was in active difficult labor the nurse told me to keep an eye her and left the room. I was watching the monitor and noticed a lot of late decelerations. Baby's heart rate was really dropping at the contraction and staying down for quite a while.

I went to the nurses station to tell them and they rudely said we know we have a monitor here get back in there and help your wife. After about a hour I was really feeling something wrong. Went found my nurse in the hall but she was busy talking to her kids on her cell phone and motioned me to go away. Fifteen minutes later she's still on the phone. I tell the other nurses I'm really worried. They say that's because you used to be a nurse. I said yes but not in OB. I went and told my wife and we were both pissed at this point.

She'd been in heavy labor for like an hour and a half and no nurse had came in the room yet. I went out and demanded someone call our Dr. He showed up about 20 minutes later and checked her and said not quite yet and just left. He was the first staff person in the room for 2 hours. A few minutes later I go out and our nurse is still on the phone with a personal call. I go demand another nurse to help. They say it's almost shift change you'll have a new nurse in a bit. About 15 terrifying minutes later our new nurse comes in.

She looks at things an says wow your ready to have this. She leaves to call the Dr. After what seemed like forever they both come in and find the baby stuck. They get the vacuum out and pull like crazy about 5 times. Then out comes my first born son with a big lopsided cone head. He didn't make much noise just looked around like saying well here I am.

The Dr is then getting the cord ready for me to cut and literally gasped and said we need to have a moment of silence because there's no way this baby should be alive. He said it was a miracle. Our baby had a true knot in his cord and it was pulled very tight.

I then said maybe that explains all the late decelerations. Dr went and looked at the strip and said to the nurse how long have these been like this. Nurse just stuttered a bit so I said 3 hours but she just came on shift. I said the last nurse left us in here alone the whole time while she hid down the hall and talked to her kids on her cell phone. He seemed upset and said he'd look into it but a friend that worked there later told us no one ever looked into and know one followed up.

I just remember feeling overwhelmingly grateful and relieved that our baby was ok.
