I want a big sending off.......lol. Seriously, as many have said, funerals are the ones you leave behind. Whatever pleases them works for me.

Don't know how it is in other parts of the country, but here the Blacks love big funerals. Every old Black person I ever knew always had a burial policy, whereby they paid so much a month into a policy that would pay for their funeral, and they believe in being buried in style. If you've never seen a Black funeral, you're in for an experience. Typically, they will wait at least a week after dying until the funeral. The Black funeral homes here all have a fleet of limousines for the family to ride in, and I imagine they charge the chit out of the family. The people that attend the funerals will be all dressed up in the finest clothes they own, and some that they buy to wear to the funeral, and then return to J C Penney's for a refund.......and that story came from a former employee of Penny's.