I would ideally like to be run through a chipper shredder and used as mulch, but there's probably some sort of ordinance against that.

KYHillChick wants to be cremated. Since Plan A isn't going to happen, I've got myself donated with the stipulation that I am used for rude jokes by first-year med students.

I don't want a funeral. I'd much prefer a memorial service with a party afterward. Ideally, I'd like it to take place before I die, but I doubt many of my friends would take it seriously if I showed up.

I kind of did that one time. I planned a surprise birthday party for myself-- invited the usual suspects. I secreted myself in a back bedroom with a friend and shared some brandy with her until it was time for the big surprise. She and I jumped out and yelled "Surprise!" Sadly, the idea was a flop. Nobody got the joke.

Genesis 9:2-4 Ministries Lighthearted Confessions of a Cervid Serial Killer