Originally Posted by JoeBob
Originally Posted by 700LH
Originally Posted by JoeBob
And none of this is to say that LaPierre hasn’t done bad stuff...unethical, maybe even technically illegal. But he really isn’t doing anything that every CEO of these nonprofits and foundations are doing. And frankly, money wise, the NRA is small potatoes compared to many of them. But the reasons it and LaPierre are being targeted have nothing to do with alleged misdeeds, they are purely political.

Money has never been the reason the NRA was powerful. It really doesn’t have that much. A guy like Bloomberg could write a check for several years of NRA operating expenses and never miss it at all.

Except most CEOs arent using donated moneys as they stab the membership in the back,
Screw WLP let NY ruin him he has earned it

Okay, so be it, but the NRA is done. Oh, and don’t think the political prosecutions are over. Hell, they are just getting started. Any gun organization that even begins to start showing some of the political clout of the NRA will quickly find itself target by one of the local Soviet committees...I mean state governments.

Lots of you are too busy cheering the demise of Wayne and the NRA because you are butthurt over bump stocks or some other stupid schit, but this represents the end of gun owners as an organized and recognized political force in this country. We’ll still have power, but the only place it will be exercised is at the voting booth. The power to influence, shale legislation, kill it before it gets going...that’s all pretty much over with this mess if they are successful.

Your assuming things that are not so.
I don't think gun owners want the NRA destroyed we want them to stand frim on our 2nd Amendment rights.
Good honest firearm advocacy groups will be just like the good gunshops when a large retailer comes to town, they do just fine.
If WLP has been doing stupid chit with members money let him use his own to get out of the trouble he has created for himself. why should the membership pay?