Same here on stopping football and Nascar. None of them will go broke due to me. But quite a few of my friends and most of my family are now that way. Most of the NFL players I hear about are not when they help the community but when they assault, sell drugs, and murder someone. Millionaire cry babies. Part of the problem in all of our problems in the US is the news media. In 1974 I came home from work, sat down in the easy chair to watch the news. Some poor guy got stabbed many times and of course died. All during the news article there was an inset in the upper corner of the picture of a revolver, which had absolutely nothing to do with the news. I quit watching much news at that time. I hadn't believed the NRA about anyone trying to take our guns/Second Amendment. That was Kansas City news channel 4 or 5. I got tired of the KC Chiefs at that era because they kept Hank Stram and Lennie Dawson but they kept losing not just a little. They would be winning and come back for the second half and put in the cheerleaders. Just got tired of it all. Be Well. Rusty

Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy. Its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery. Winston Churchill.