Originally Posted by wilkeshunter
Growing up in the heart of NASCAR country was an absolute blast. The drivers and crew members were everywhere and approachable. It is really sad to see how far the sport has fallen. The folks at the top are embarrassed by the base, yet have no where to turn. The democratic that they desire has no interest in motor sports. Coming out against the Confederate flag and guns was akin to jumping off a cliff. They deserve the misery that they created for themselves.

NASCAR got too big, too fast. It went from being a sport with a basically regional following, to one that became national.....and hence the problems that the big advertisers saw with the base. That base was mostly from the South, people who were flag waving, Bible reading, gun owning, White, and most certainly not queer or tranny. Big TV and big advertisers had a problem with that, and I'm sure told the NASCAR brass that if they wanted the big bucks to continue, they better have a following that was more diversified, and politically correct.

It wouldn't bother me to see them have to come down a few notches, and get back to what made them famous.