Originally Posted by rimfire
It's illegal to kill rattlers in Pa. You may want to delete your post if it isn't already to late.

1 per year, with a fishing license.

No crap, that's the rule.

With rules like that, no wonder people
ignore them.

Everyone I know kills every one seen.
A former co-worker had to keep his garage door closed.
On cool days they would come in for the warm floor.

I have logged in bad snake areas.
It sucked. You had to look everywhere you were going to go, or reach.
Checking oil in a vehicle was an exercise in observation.
No food was ever left around....draws mice...

One morning I was starting a tri-axle, I felt something go across my foot.
Jumped straight out the door, no idea what I might land on,
just worried about a flipping snake.
Halfway down I saw a mouse going under the dash.

Poison and traps in the trucks by quitting time.

Parents who say they have good kids..Usually don't!