there is a lake just to the north of phoenix called lake pleasant, in the high desert. at low water, these little islands appear. one night a guy was night fishing out of a boat, had to take a dump, couldn't just hang his butt over the side. so he went to the little island in a hurry, ran up on to the shore, and dropped his pants and squatted. right over a coiled rattler. what to do? don't want to get hit in the nads, so he covered them with his hand, which is where he did get hit. Horrible choice to have to make. They like old indian ruins which i do too. sitting on the foundation of an old ruin, and hearing a buzztail shaking his tail at you in the rocks next to you, is not a good feeling. I have really been lucky not getting struck. as in walking in shorts in high dried grass on the desert, you can't see the snake, but he can see you with those thermal sensors, no they don't get a pass.