Originally Posted by Journeyman
Was a joke, dude. See the little smiley? If you don't find the comedy in the the ft/in thing, while you were making an argument against over-torquing you either have a dull sense of humor or are just one of those azzholes that can't be wrong...
Or...you might try vagisil...

Your 😂 face was on your first post...Didn’t see a second one, only your skill at bold fonts...I have a great sense of humor, especially kicking defenders of stupid in the clam when their fear of a beloved scope is being attacked.

Things break...It was the manner in how Leupold CS handled the call saying the returned scope was within their spec. And, telling my neighbor NF makes a good scope.

Vagisil has many uses...Especially loosening a key stuck on bold font for someone 😬🤣😎😜

Curiosity Killed the Cat & The Prairie Dog
“Molon Labe”