Drover: Your observations on the 452 safeties is interesting to me - but it allays NO fears or trepidation of mine.
I have several friends who are all atwitter about the NEW "corrected" safety on the CZ 457!
In fact most all of them are interested in buying a CZ 457 for this main reason - the safeties on the CZ's they now own, are bassackwards and confusing!
In fact I went with a visiting Hunting and guntrading buddy of mine (from out of state) to my local gunshop last week and he was intent on buying a CZ 457 (heavy barrel!) but after the local gun shop owner called his supplier he was told they are "out of stock"!
This friend of mine is from Enumclaw, Washington and is both a part-time range officer and Hunter Education Instructor!
He is tired of using the "open bolt" method of "being on safe" when we Colony Varmint Hunt.
So... "some" people (especially us high volume Varmint shooters!) are definitely happy with CZ's decision to correct the safety!
I have attended sportsmens show religiously most all my adult life and when I get around to the CZ displays and talk with and listen in on the CZ factory representatives conversations the NUMBER ONE complaint/inquiry regarding the CZ rimfire line is "when are you going to correct the safeties"!
"I" am not the only one who trepidizes about the CZ bassackwards safeties - if you think differently you are simply avoiding reality.
You are welcome to do so.
Hold into the wind