I can't let your comments on the safeties lay there.

. If you cannot adapt to a simple difference of direction in how a safety works, perhaps you ought to take up golf, or tennis, and leave these "complicated tools" to the rest of us.

For at least a couple of centuries now, those rifles with hammers have had a requirement to cock the hammer before you could shoot it. The CZ safeties work the same way, you pull the safety back, just like cocking the hammer on a Marlin 336 or Winchester levergun. Nothing to it, unless you're a raving simpleton, or a fuggin' retard.

Locking the firing pin is always better than locking the trigger, for a functioning safety, that should be clear, even to you

. If it isn't, you are the one avoiding reality, not drover, or me.

You can roll a turd in peanuts, dip it in chocolate, and it still ain't no damn Baby Ruth.