Average hourly wage is $40/hour

Minus, Federal, State, Local, Municipal taxes... and SS etc. we are at $22

Fuel tax, car tax etc. take another slice.

Sales taxes another 8-10% (and ALWAYS GOING UP).

I need to have a garage built... Costs $40k

1,000 hours of work nets $18k... must work 2,222 hours to pay the $40k


Contractor makes an hourly wage is $40

Minus, Federal, State, Local, Municipal taxes... and SS etc. we are at $22

Fuel tax, car tax etc. take another slice.

Sales taxes another 8-10% (and ALWAYS GOING UP).

Contractor's son needs braces... Costs $40k

Average hourly wage for Dental Tech is $40/hour

1,000 hours of work nets $18k... must work 2,222 hours to pay the $40k


Dental Tech makes an hourly wage is $40

Minus, Federal, State, Local, Municipal taxes... and SS etc. we are at $22

Fuel tax, car tax etc. take another slice.

Sales taxes another 8-10% (and ALWAYS GOING UP).

Dental Tech needs a new minivan... Minivan costs $40k

1,000 hours of work nets $18k... must work 2,222 hours to pay the $40k


Taxes account for 3,666 hours of the total 6,667 hours worked by me, the Contractor and the dental tech.

Am I a little pissed off when I see the Government waste money?

If you are not actively engaging EVERY enemy you encounter... you are allowing another to fight for you... and that is cowardice... plain and simple.