There was NO PRID QUO PRO,,,,,,,Mr. TN S H I T T E R....................................Shall we discuss all of the provable evidence of crimes and corruption from the 2016 DNC, from the 2016 Hillary campaign, and from all of the deep state players who ILLEGALLY LIED TO THE FISA courts to obtain warrants to spy on the Trump campaign, plus all of the demCRAP Russian collusion and collusion to other foreign countries by the demCRAPS for the sole purpose of MANUFACTURING crimes to prevent trump from getting elected and if he won to then try and remove him from office????

Wanna go there TN S H I T T E R????

Nevermind all of that corruption!!! Right Mr TN Hypocrite??? WHY SURE...Nevermind all of that!!......

28 Nosler,,,,300WSM,,,,338-378 Wby,,,,375 Ruger