Originally Posted by TN_Chooter
According to Trump’s own man Mulvany, Trump was in fact trading info/dirt on the Bidens (albeit the corrupt Bidens) for foreign aid. Now I know most of forever Trumper friends here, say who cares? But the reality is that some conservatives do care.

As I have been saying here recently winning at all costs isnt what I want in any president . Trump is a pathalogical liar, just how many times has he said on video in the past week that there was no quid pro quo. iMO character does matter and conservatives are going to suffer with the consequences of our idiot and chief sooner than later.

Time for conservatives to come up with a plan B unless Pence is going to be able to keep a republican in power.

I am sure I will get all sorts of love letters from my forever Trumper friends accusing me of being a leftist troll, fuqtard, and the like. Can’t wait

("Albeit the corrupt Biden's") - Hunter Biden's Board on a Ukrainian company's Board of Directors seems to be the issue, but no corruption has been uncovered. Yet, there seems to be little criticism of Trump's children making millions of dollars from foreign activities.

("unless Pence is going to be able to keep a republican in power") - I think Pence is a more formidable candidate now that Trump has shown he is ill-tempered and too impulsive for the job. Pence would appeal to a wider range of voters today.