Originally Posted by ingwe
Originally Posted by stxhunter
chit haven't had a beer in three months..... might need to stop beating the meat every morning.

Just use the other hand and take a schitt load of ibuprofen...it takes a WHILE to go away.


A schidt load , by the way, is 800mg 3x a day.
If you can get them in a prescription, that's best.
Or, just take 4 normal ones. And always eat with them.
They will tear up your stomach if you take them without food.

PS. Taking Ibu, aspirin or any NSAID is not for pain, nor does
it make you a pussy.

The biggest reason to take them is to relieve the inflammation.
That will allow the healing process to proceed.

The deep tissue message will help.
You can somewhat do it at home.
You can usually feel the knot in the muscle/tendon.
You personally know when there is pressure applied to ir.
That ain't supposed to be theit.
Use your thumbs or knuckles (therapists use something like a rolling pin)
And work on that knot. It will [bleep] hurt!

Or, it's a bursitis thing.
That's pain in the joint itself.

The NSAID's.
A wrap might help.
Those copper things? Many swear by them, including my Dad.
Others call BS. Who can be sure?

Parents who say they have good kids..Usually don't!