I know I can't provide the wittiest rejoinder on the thread because Kaywoodie has already been on here. That said...When OJ had to go to prison, they put him in a cell with Iron Mike Tyson, who was already there.

OJ is like, "How's it goin'?"

Mike says, "Here's some free advice. The only way a guy can get by in jail is gay sex. You got to have you a prison bitch or prison wife."

OJ doesn't really like where this is going, but he says, "Okay."

Iron Mike says, "We're cellies so which do you want to be, the wife or the husband?"

Thinking fast and also that he hasn't had any pussy for awhile and Iron Mike's ass doesn't look so bad, OJ says, "I wanna be the husband"

Iron Mike gets out his ten inch blacksnake and says, "Sounds good. Now get over here and suck on yo' wife's big black dick!"