I went out Saturday for my second "true" hunt of the year (the others have been from home or the cabin) but was tough going as the area I was hunting still had a lot of corn still up. I saw only two roosters which were a couple hundred yards ahead of us. The high points were my young setter did point a couple of hens which has been an issue with him and my Australian Shepard/Pitbull mix put things together and flushed three hens. If we could have hunted the late afternoon we probably could have put some roosters up as they left the corn to roost.

I was out this morning with a friend who had access to a property that just had the corn harvested. There wasn't much cover but there was some. A small swale gave up a rooster to my buddy over my old setter. The dog was put up and the mix came out to work some strip cover. Three roosters were flushed of which two were bagged. The one was a cripple which the mix tracked down. He thinks my wife is a 10 in like ability, I am a 12 now.

I got home and took the younger dog out back as he hadn't had a chance to run. He slammed into a point and a rooster popped up. I was able to make the shot but the retrieve was problematic as the bird landed in an overgrown drainage ditch and broke through the ice. He finally got a whiff and found the bird. It was a good day, hopefully the snow coming in will not be too wet.