I got wedged underwater in a concrete culvert in OCS.

I'm a big guy and it was a tight culvert. You have to go through on your back, face up, head first. When you come out, the tip of your rifle with BFA has to be on the rim of your Kevlar.

It is one very uncomfortable exercise in a long course. The water was up over the top of the culvert and the temp barely above freezing. When I went through the first time my canteens scraped the bottom and knocked the BFA off my Kevlar. As I came through the instructor sent be back around to do again due to the rifle placement.

I pushed in the second time, and when my canteen scraped the bottom, I said phug it, I'm not going to do this all day, held the rifle firm and thrust myself back....wedging myself firmly in the tight culvert. I don't know how long this lasted. I clearly remember thinking, that's it, I'm going to die in this phugging culvert. I was able to get one of my arms free and reach back out and stick my fingers out of the culvert into the air. Then I felt a hand grab my deuce gear and whoosh....they pulled me out without a word and sent me on my way.