Bought a Wesley-Richards Cape Gun and took it to a gunsmith known for his work on such.

He charged me $500 to put it back on the face, then told me the firing pin springs were weak and might not work. Decided to try it anyway as I had already bought expensive brass and dies for the odd caliber. Ended up that it wouldn’t fire.

Other projects got in the way and about 3 years later I finally took it back to the same gunsmith to fix the firing pin springs. He had it for a month and I called him to ask about it.

He said, “Well, it’s off the face (even though it hadn’t been fired since I paid him to put it on face) and the safety’s buggered and the firing pin springs, well...I don’t think it’s worth your money to fix it.” Odd that he didn’t have that opinion the first time I took it to him.

I sold the gun for $100 less than I paid for it to a dealer. Now it’s someone else’s problem.