When I was a kid of about 11 years old I had a Chicago city cop hire me to sand down a bicycle frame to be repainted. I worked my little butt off for the better part of a week and had it sanded down to the bare metal all over believing I would be paid more for doing such a good job. I was wrong. When I took it to him he handed me .50 ¢ and walked away grinning. I told his wife who was a real nice woman and she made him cough up a few bucks more which thoroughly pissed him off and he practically threw the money at me. I also got a great deal of personal pleasure about a year later when he along with several other Chicago cops got busted for running a payoff and bribes ring.

Best deal I was ever offered but turned down was a snub nose .38 Colt Cobra for $25. I turned it down because I figured it had to be stolen. I was right, too. The kid who was trying to sell it had taken it from a family his sister babysat for.