Originally Posted by AlaskaCub
Originally Posted by JimFromTN
Originally Posted by memtb
Originally Posted by JimFromTN
You all are nuts. If you aren't using a secure vpn then you are on a list. Those who are talking about shooting politicians are probably being monitored right now. You are domestic terrorists. Anyone actually foolish enough to do anything being suggested on here will be shot down in the streets like dogs and America will be watching it in horror on CNN and not because you are being killed by the government but rather because you are armed lunatics shooting up the place. Republicans and democrats alike will become more in favor of gun control laws. You actually think the republican politicians will protect you once you have crossed that line. Nixon was in favor of gun control. Reagan passed gun control laws both as governor and president. George H Bush passed gun control. George W Bush was going to renew an expiring gun control law but was talked out of it last minute. Trump doesn't care about your guns. He cares about your vote. He has probably never fired a gun in his life and the only time he goes outside is to play golf. The man sits on a golden toilet seat for crying out loud.

Just a little reality check. Stay calm and vote. Its the foundation of our democracy.

Jim, Wrong twice! We are a Republic and our foundation took place in Lexington! memtb

Not sure where you are coming from on where the foundation took place. Never mentioned where the foundation was really. As for being a republic, that is true but that is the same a representative democracy. You vote for you representative so I don't believe the statement that voting is the foundation of our democracy is an untrue statement seeing as all of our government officials are elected by the people.

And where in the constitution does it state that newly elected democrats get to define what the right to bear arms is and what arms are allowed?

The 2nd amendment is ambiguous which I imagine was on purpose. All that our elected officials can do regardless of their political affiliation , is interpret it and base laws on that interpretation. Its then up to the supreme court to determine whether those laws are constitutional. Thats an oversimplification but I don't claim any expertise in constitutional law. I am not in favor of an assault weapons ban for the simple reason that it won't accomplish anything and it will simply cause them to go after something else but the reality is that the supreme court will not deem it unconstitutional. The last one wasn't found to be unconstitutional but it had no teeth. It was purely cosmetic. You could go to the gun show, buy a sporterized ak, go to the next table and buy an ak stock set, and then go to the next table and buy all of the 30 rd mags and 75 rd drum mags you wanted.