Originally Posted by plainsman456
The brother in law and his friend have had hogs run back to them sometimes when they bust the herd.

Some have been killed with a shotgun loaded with some number 1 buck shot that i cast out of wheel weights.

Have you ever had a double line up perfectly?
many times pigs run away from the sound of the impact of the first pig hit. they also tend to run back in the direction they came from. i've tried to get creative on steering them in the direction i want. then again, they can get just as creative and run right at me, lol

i was still shooting a 6.8 here with an armasight zeus. pig was pumping blood pretty good but kept coming. i was hiding a couple of rows inside the corn and they never knew where i was!!

as far as doubles go, yes i've tried that numerous times but only seem to get the first one. i tend to use destructive bullets and probably don't do much damage if/when they exit.