You all know my worn out story.
I had the misfortune of being born here.
I went to married..built a pension.
Got heavily invested in my spouse and our kids.
I have a beautiful wife, a fantastic job and home.
Unfortunately my wife absolutely refuses to leave.
I hunt and fish my ass off.
I despise the liberal culture and the idiots that they elect to office in this state.
I'm no different than the reddest of you red state Republicans.
I'm trying to live my redneck, cowboy lifestyle as best I can.
I do a pretty good job of it.
Things get real tough with the wife sometimes because of my strong desire to leave.
Not sure where my future plays out.
I've enjoyed sharing my life with you guys.
I'm certainty not what most of you think of when you think of Californians.

Proud NRA Life Member