Very few people on youtube know how to present a firearms test of any kind:

Loud rock music intro. Watch me shoot. Watch me shoot some more tactical style. Talk over loud wind noise and tell you the same stuff you can get from the manufacturer's website. Watch me shoot some more. End with loud rock music.

The Gunblast written reviews are generally informative but the gunblast videos are only there to present the firearm company's advertising announcement spoken aloud.

There are some very good and very experienced reviewers out there who can tell you the info buyers are looking for and know how to use indoor/outdoor lighting and proper camera work, but they are few and far between. And most all of them need to realize that yeah, we know you can shoot but we don't want to watch you do it for 60% of the total video time.

Gunnery, gunnery, gunnery.
Hit the target, all else is twaddle!