Originally Posted by simonkenton7
The cartilage in your joints is made of gelatine. Replacing the gelatine in your system will rebuild your joints.
This stuff works, and is cheap.

We dont work that way. Strike that. It doesnt work that way.

We eat proteins and have enzymes to digest them. This breaks them down into their component parts- amino acids.

You have a genes to reassemble those amino acid building blocks back into other large functional proteins.

The steps above are, in large part, not skipped. With minor exceptions youou dont eat food and then have it travel to the part of the body where you wanted it. You break it down and then reassemble it.

Of course, you can get your buildingblocks (the amino acids) by eating gelatin, or taking an amino acid supplement, or simply by eating complete proteins such as meat or eggs.

Originally Posted by Archerhunter

Quit giving in inch by inch then looking back to lament the mile behind ya and wonder how to preserve those few feet left in front of ya. They'll never stop until they're stopped. That's a fact.