Originally Posted by watch4bear
Tell us again phu gg face , how this is the best time to throw the NRA under the bus. You have been its greatest critic, at a time when it, and all pro gun rights organizations should be welcomed.

You clown, are one of the head douche bags.

Throwing them under the bus?! Are you [bleep] kidding?! They threw us under the bus, so [bleep] them! You're [bleep] right all pro gun rights organizations should be welcomed... the only way you can welcome someone is if they actually [bleep] show up though, which the NRA decided no to do. While they were busy sticking their toe into the water to see the temperature, the VCDL and the GOA jumped on in the boiling pot ready to rock and roll.....
They can take their indecisive PC bullshit and shove it up Wayne's fat [bleep] ass.