Kubota I’m looking at is 2600lb. I’m told it’s a beefier tractor (same frame as 3000 series) but with motor detuned to pass EPA standards without the Diesel add-ons. Supposedly generous torque, though not sure how this helps on the PTO, good power in the low RPMs...I sound like a sales brochure which means I’m probably over thinking things and won’t ever do hay, just need to get a dude doing things on a tractor for fun tractor.

FWIW- Hay field is flat as a bored and drains well, small pond on it. Could drive a wheel rear drive car across it.

Also my neighbor is in the same boat, has some gear, though not ideal. Between the both of us we may be able to accomplish something.

Stuck in airports, Terrorized
Sent to meetings, Hypnotized
Over-exposed, Commercialized
Handle me with Care...
-Traveling Wilbury's