Originally Posted by saddlesore
The 2501 will do you then unless you want an enclosed cab. Drilling post holes might be a problem because you won't have any downward pressure. OK for soft ground probably. That is another instance where you might want to rent a skid steer with one on the front. I looked around a lot and with the price of used ones, I could not justify buying used vs new. New 2501 with bucket and blade will probably be in the $18K range if the dealer will want to really sell one.

BTW, someone mentioned their lawn mower is 20 hp so the 25HP is no step up. My lawn mower is 20 hp and my 2501is only 25h.There is no comparison.I have 8 fwd gears and 4 reverse

That’s what I am seeing here. 5 year old ones are 15,500, new is 17,500 with a warranty. No brained if I go that route.

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-Traveling Wilbury's