Originally Posted by ElkSlayer91
It's only a pandemic in countries that don't have "White Man" plumbing.

If you're in a country that squats to crap...you're screwed. Ex: NO running water to flush turds away to a modern day sewer system or wash hands w/ soap, No Toilet paper, No Hygiene.

If you sit on a bowl made out of porcelain, and flush afterwards...you're good.

Turd world countries are screwed.

Spreading articles like this, from the idiots who write them and refuse to discuss "White man" plumbing in first world countries will contain the virus, only further depresses the stock market.

Why is the virus not spreading like wildfire in countries with "White Man" plumbing?

I rest my case...

What is happening in Italy then? And actually, I thought SOUTH Korea had pretty much joined the modern world.

People who choose to brew up their own storms bitch loudest about the rain.