Originally Posted by Musicianized
The fking flu has a .01% mortality rate.

Coronavirus has a 2.3% mortality rate.

If IF Iran is being honest the mortality rate in Iran is.currently over 15%

You guys think your fkin funny till your kids and grandkids and yourself are drowning in your own viral mucous.

You thunk it's a 3rd world problem then you are FU KING STUPID!!

This [bleep] spreads as bad as the flu except for the small fact that its more contagious than the flu.

Look up the Spanish flu of 1918 fellas because that had a mortality rate of 2-3%. Were facing a very similar scenario here and it's at your door.

The numbers across Europe, Canada, Australia, USA, countries bordering China, et. al, prove you wrong.

Squat to Crap = bad hygiene

Sit to crap = good hygiene

Turd World Plumbing = Pandemic

White Man Plumbing = No get sickee…

Iran, 15%... Squat to Crap = bad hygiene...Turd World Plumbing = Pandemic

"He is far from Stupid"

”person, who happens to have an above-average level of intelligence

– DocRocket (In reference to ElkSlayer91)