Originally Posted by WDH
Originally Posted by OAM
Originally Posted by WDH
Can’t believe they still run that race. How many dogs will have to die? I bet the race doesn’t make it 10 more years. Get em PETA!!!

Here is the way I look at- 27 dogs died between 2004 and 2016. Usually a team starts with 16 dogs. There are on average 50 teams. So approximately 800 dogs run every year. So as many as 9,600 dogs ran between 2004-2016, 27 deaths. Those dogs have better odds of survival than my jack russel crapping in the backyard. Have you ever seen the iditarod? All those dogs want to do is mush. I love the race!

The dogs have been abused. You would run too if subject to such treatment. Yes I’ve seen the race. It’s pathetic. Time for it to go. They lose enough sponsors it will stop.


Do you have any experience around iditarod kennels? I do. I can tell you that the dogs are very well cared for. Slightly unsocialized but very happy. They are bred for cold weather. Im the first guy to get pissed off about poor treatment of dogs. These dogs in general are treated very well. Better than most outdoor dogs in the state for sure. They are bred to run. Show them a harness or gangline and they go ballistic! They would rather run than sit on your couch.
You should take some time a vistit one of these kennels. Dont buy into Peta BS. The Great Alone is a good start for you. Good film. These guys are all about dog health.