All I saw was a hack journalist w/ no basis in knowledge of the subject of which he chose to bloviate. I think we are seeing a new problem aggravated by global travel and sensationalized by a media empowered by the people they should serve.

Our govt.'s overriding mandate is to keep our citizens and way of life safe. This threat, as currently perceived, is a new one and is being addressed w/ novel attempts at a solution, but is being addressed w/ great vigor. What some consider draconian measures can be altered to adapt to future developments.

There is no handbook for handling a pandemic but this occurrence could help us prepare for a more serious problem in the future. I don't have many answers but do doubt if assigning labels and taking sides is useful.

I also believe that this author is a member of the elitist media that is the single largest cause of panic and dissension. Now is the time to be promoting calm and unity but the MSM does not serve the common good.

mike r

Don't wish it were easier
Wish you were better

Stab them in the taint, you can't put a tourniquet on that.
Craig Douglas ECQC