Originally Posted by Seafire
one of my MOS's in the military was 54 Echo...NBC Warfare Officer...

The way this is being handled at a local level, and endorsed by the Federal Government, is certainly contrary how to handle something like this, to the way the same Government taught us to handle it in a military environment..

Guess a military environment is a lot easier to administer than a civilian'public environment...

and it didn't take me 2 seconds to figure the entire response nationwide and internationally is a communist's wet dream..

I guarantee ya, when this is over, we will all have a lot less freedoms than we had before it all started...world wide..

thank the real people who run the world.. the Globalist Elites...

Seafire, Very interested in a civil discussion how you were taught to handle such a situation.

Because what we are seeing here in America is proving wholly inadequate to the job of containment of this virus.

But we can not do it like China did either. I would rather see 3 million dead of the virus, than cede that kind of power to our government.

People who choose to brew up their own storms bitch loudest about the rain.