on Tucker Carlson tonight

the IHME model predicted that is used, along with other data has been pretty accurate in the number of deaths, however its been very off in the predictions of hospital patients. For example, it predicted New York , as of today would need 56,000 beds. New York is at 13,400 beds. Oklahoma would need 1000, they have 38

3 states have exceeded the model, all small states with small numbers.

Our entire national shutdown is based on corona patients overrunning our hospital system.
Now I'm not saying that this won't explode, and at the moment its bad, but its not as bad as the models have predicted.

So the issue is do we continue this long term shut down because its working far better than we imagined? or do we lessen the degree of it because the modeling was wrong

10m people are unemployed. That number is going to double?triple? higher? in the next few weeks. 1 in 4 small business are closed in this country. Many of them won't come back.

Even Fauci is at the point to where he says you treat New York City different than Nebraska

Last edited by KFWA; 04/03/20.

have you paid your dues, can you moan the blues, can you bend them guitar strings