If your sick, possibly with Covid, dont come to work! Had one stupid SOB have symptoms, didnt tell anyone, came to work. Things started getting worse so he went to the docs, doc said time to get tested due to severity of symptoms. The mfer still came to work and didnt tell anyone! Got results in 2 days, positive. Shut down 2 lines in one building, a line in another building this person was also in. Sent home everyone with close contact. Secondary contact individuals still working but freaking the hell out! Lines sanitized and reopened. A day later we got the call. One of employees in contact that was sent home took a turn for the worse overnight(high risk group). Now in ICU.

If it was up to me the original employee infected would be terminated for putting everyone else in danger. But thats not my call. This schit isnt anything to mess around with. We can all be safe, but damn it if some just dont give a schit about anyone else.