Originally Posted by passport
Show me a company where people with obvious symptoms can not only show up to work but ACTUALLY work and I’ll show you an employer who’s not in touch with his employees.....

Stupid of the guy yes but an employer has the Responsibility to monitor for such things as well. Moreover get to know your employees and understand what they need and want, clearly have a guy that’s hard up here

Company I work for has facilities in over 50 nations. The facility I work in has ^2500 employees. There is no sick pay. Miss 3 days in 6 months and you are in violation of policy and subject to discipline. Miss the 4th day and they can go straight to dismissal. A doctor's note has no bearing or authority with the company unless the employee files for FMLA. If you take FMLA without applying for short term disability, any days that you use come off your vacation. Most everybody has chosen to work sick at some point.

But that all changed a few weeks ago. If you can show documentation now of symptoms or association with someone who has symptoms, you are off til further notice with full pay. 14 days minimum in case of confirmed CV19 test. Furthermore you have to document that the symptoms are gone, even if it's your spouse, and that you have been fever free for 72 hours without medication to return to work.

My wife was sick and got tested for CV19. it was negative and she has mostly recovered. I have a release from quarantine to return to work. Employer still requires me to document an additional 3 days for myself with no fever reducing meds and no fever.

"Chances Will Be Taken"