At some point, when we have people INTENTIONALLY hide an illness and infect other people, I would be O.K. with criminal charges being filed... At a minimum negligent man slaughter ?

I had C19 symptoms during the second half of December before it was formally identified in the U.S. At the time Doc said "Flu" even though I swabbed negative for both "A" and "B". Spent two weeks either working remote or non-paid time off. Did not go into the office. When I cleared up and returned to the office in early Jan, it was like a commercial where the dogs are barking out a tune. 50-60 people in one large room. Multiple people continuously coughing, hacking, sneezing. No one willing to suck it up and go home until they got over it. And none of the management staff willing to confront the offenders and send them home...

Last edited by Orion2000; 04/11/20.